Workforce planning is the process of analyzing the current workforce and forecasting the future staffing needs to perform effectively for years to come. It can serve as a rational foundation for establishing and funding HR programs that support its goals. The procedure should be simple at first, and it should reflect the organization’s size and complexity. It’s time […]
Employee engagement is gaining traction as one of the most crucial metrics of job satisfaction. Today employees are searching for more things than just 9-to-5 work. They want to be interested in their work, want to be extremely passionate about the company they work for, and stay dedicated to their coworkers. Employee retention is essential. Employee […]
You can reform numerous HR practices, such as recruiting, turnover, training, talent management, and performance management, by utilizing the functions of HR Analytics solutions. These technologies are essential for developing a data-driven HR model for your company. The routine process of engaging with data generated across the organization is one part of managing Human Resources. However, a lack […]
Your search to find talented employees is accomplished and you have signed off the offer letters to them, the next thing is to make the onboarding process for remote employees effective and impressive. With the current scenario, as every work is going remotely, the onboarding is also done remotely. But, you must still prioritize an effective onboarding […]
We have seen the promotion trap in the corporate companies, right? Where a manager is promoted for being good at a job. Not because he is a good manager. The chosen individuals mainly for the new managers are the older employees with higher ambitions and more significant success goals. But, why is it essential to […]
The pandemic continues to impact our lives in different ways. The new year that began with a glimmer of hope of recovery and rising was dimmed by the rising COVID wave. It is now clear that we will not be free from the pandemic any time soon. With the cases not going down as we […]
The recent improving conditions workwise have taken a downturn with the increase in COVID cases recently. While we were just getting our bearings the COVID cases surge has led to a very tense atmosphere everywhere. With a vast change in the working conditions, a major concern for Managers is the productivity of the employees. There […]
“There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognise ability.”–Robert Half Have we ever asked ourselves the one big question as to why we work? It is true that the primary motivation is to secure our future financially, but another major motivation is the appreciation that […]
Back in the days of school and college, students progress was tracked with the help of annual report cards and exams. Once they step outside the world of education and enter that of a professional corporate setup, they are still evaluated and scored. The truth is that no matter what phase of life you enter, […]
“Your human talent is your most important talent.”– Carla Harris, Wall Street banker When you look at the business sector, there have always been changes and upgrades in the way businesses are run. There is no doubt that a business is not run simply on an idea, but it takes a skilled workforce and resources […]