
How to build an effective onboarding program for new remote hires?

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Your search to find talented employees is accomplished and you have signed off the offer letters to them, the next thing is to make the onboarding process for remote employees effective and impressive.

With the current scenario, as every work is going remotely, the onboarding is also done remotely.

But, you must still prioritize an effective onboarding process even for the remote hires and welcome them with the same enthusiasm to motivate them in the same manner as it had been earlier before the pandemic.

To start with, design engaging and cheerful welcome emails.

Before starting with onboarding remote employees, one essential thing is to send welcome emails to the new hires.

Include the entire success journey of your company in that mail and let the candidates know why they are vital for the company and how they can grow with it.

Through the welcome mail, let the hires feel excited and motivated to work with you.

You can also add some snapshots of the office teams and how they are enjoying working with the company. This will boost morale, right?

Tips to have an effective onboarding program for the new remote hire:

Here are some key onboarding ideas for remote employees:

Have the new hires’ early setup accomplished:

Before their work starts, you need to set up everything for the hires’ successful integration in the company. They might not have regular access to the company resources with the remote work, including a dedicated workspace and a desk.

Therefore, first, communicate with the new hires and understand their requirements to help them have a better workflow and ensure their comfortability. Try to provide all the services and resources that they require for an effective workflow. This increases their confidence on Day 1.

Adapting onboarding materials for better virtual learning

Next, adapt all your resources, including software and hardware, for assuring better virtual training and learning.

Convert all the hard copy manuals to soft copies to ensure that they are easily accessible, even remotely.Prepare the trainers for video conferences and training sessions to assure a better experience for the new hires.

Making the introductions virtually

In normal conditions, when office reopens, will take the new hires on an office tour or have a team lunch and introduce them to others. However, with these changing scenarios, you can still make the introductory part easier.

For that, you must set up some introductory calls with different teams to introduce them to the hires, and you can easily schedule all the calls in the first week of their joining. This will ensure that the entire team of old and new employees has a better relationship.

Having frequent one-on-one communications

It is essential to have frequent one-on-one communications with the new hires to ensure that they are getting comfortable with the work and with other team members. This is essential to improve their overall productivity.

Moreover, as the regular talks are limited due to remote working, one-on-one communications must be more frequent for the new remote hires to check on them.

Creating feedback loops

Feedback is an effective way to uncover your employees’ needs and is essential during the training phase. You can have the feedback loops through various ways, including surveys, one-on-one communications, etc.

Also, train the new hires to be open for feedback and also on how to give the feedback to others. Because this is an art of motivating others, right?


Onboarding new employees remotely has its own set of issues. Prepare ahead of time and focus on communication, feedback, and training to stay ahead of the curve.

That’s how you can win the trust of new remote hires which in turn brings synergy to the organization.

