
How HR can help build the organization of the future

HR Business Driver Strategic Business Partner


The HR function is one of the most important parts of any organization. It helps to create vision and culture, build structure and ecosystem that enables scaling up as well as reskilling talent.

It also allows decision-makers to make better decisions by providing information about talent, culture etc.

HR helps to create and support long-term people strategy which contributes to organisational growth.

HR Helps to create a vision and culture

Your organization’s culture is the foundation for everything it aims to achieve. It shapes every decision, from how you choose your leaders to what you do when there’s a problem.

A strong culture also helps attract and retain talent, which in turn creates better products and services for clients.

Achieving this requires HR professionals to take on a critical role in establishing a strong workplace culture.

As the custodians of organizational culture, they can help create environments where employees thrive—environments that are open, transparent and inclusive; ones that value diversity; and ones where innovation flourishes.

HR helps to create the right organisational structure

HR plays an essential role in helping to create the right organisational structure. HR professionals need to understand the business, the market and customer, the company vision and culture, how people work together, what’s going on in the world around you, who your competitors are and how they operate.

In other words: you have to have a 360-degree view of everything that’s going on inside and outside your organization.

And then use all this information to shape an organizational structure that works best for all stakeholders – customers, employees (including senior management) or potential new hires.

HR creates an ecosystem to scale up

In the past, hiring was done by independent recruiters and then handed over to the HR team.

But with organizations looking to scale up their workforce quickly, there is a need to create an ecosystem where all recruitment activities are owned by one team instead of having different teams handling different functions within the same department.

The key here is not just finding talent but also managing it well so that they stay on board once hired.

For this purpose, you will need a strong candidate experience (CX) program in place that helps build relationships with potential candidates and also provides them with timely information about job openings in your organization.

As mentioned earlier, human resources departments are now playing a more proactive role in shaping business strategies through data-driven insights on new hires and their performance patterns across departments or functions within an organization.

HR Helps to upskill and reskill talent

HR helps to upskill and reskill talent. The HR function can create a talent pipeline in the organization that identifies high-potential employees and helps them grow their skills through training and development programs or by identifying external resources, such as education institutions, that provide learning opportunities outside of work.

HR also helps create the right culture and mindset for upskilling to occur. If everyone in an organization has the same mindset about learning, it will be easier for them to take advantage of the available resources to grow their skillset.

Finally, HR can ensure that there is a learning environment where people feel comfortable sharing what they know with others so that everyone’s knowledge base grows over time.

HR Helps to build the right decision-making system

HR tech helps create better people and process analytics. This can be done by using an applicant tracking system (ATS) that tracks if someone is a good fit for a role or not, based on what their skills are.

For example, it could track if someone has certain certifications that are required for the position or not.

It also allows you to see what skills your employees already have so that you don’t waste time training them on things they already know how to do, which saves time and money for both you and your employees.

HR analytics helps you to track your retention rate, and why people are leaving, and it helps you to track your per-employee revenue and expenses.

HR analytics also helps you to track your payroll cost, your absenteeism rate your manpower availability.

It also helps you to track how your team is performing, and the training requirements of your team.

Human Resource is not just about managing payroll, it is a powerful force that can help your business be prepared for the changes that you will face and get ahead of them before they are upon us

Human Resource is not just about managing payroll, it is a powerful force that can help your business be prepared for the changes that you will face and get ahead of them before they are upon us.

Human Resources can create a culture where people want to work in your company, which is key if you want to build an organization capable of competing with the big players out there.

In order to do this, HR needs to focus on attracting top talent while also being able to retain those employees who are already on board with what you’re doing.

HR should also focus on creating an ecosystem where there are multiple growth opportunities available for both new hires and current employees alike.

This means investing in training programs so everyone has access to whatever education they need in order to develop their skillsets further and provide even more value than they did before; it also means thinking outside of traditional job descriptions by having flexible roles within teams so people aren’t constrained by old paradigms when looking at what functions are needed versus what someone may enjoy doing most (which could be different things!).


With the pace of change increasing, it is critical that organizations have an understanding of what is coming and how they can take advantage of this new landscape.

Human resource leaders must be able to anticipate future needs and prepare their teams accordingly while also making sure they are aligned with company strategy.

This will involve some hard decisions but HR departments are well-positioned to make them because they can see the big picture of how the organization works as well as understand how each employee fits into that structure.

